I hope everyone had a great July 4th. I spent mine with my Dad and Aunt. I was helping my Dad clean out my late uncle's work shop. My aunt then asked if I could see what was leaking in the attic, so she could call the right repair person.
I crawl up there expecting to see a clogged A/C drain or something. It was a small hole in a pipe, and it had been leaking for sometime. She had a bucket in her bedroom, where it was dripping. So, I run to Home Depot (my crack store) to get some rubber and clamps, and then I see this pipe repair kit, I have watched "Tool Time", So I purchased the kit also.
I decide that the kit would be the way to go, It will be fixed and no plumber would be needed. I do the patch job and pulled three bags of insulation out the attic, that were soaked with water. My patch job held and no more leak. The ceiling will have to be patched because the drywall is not DRY anymore.
Oh, for my Northern Neighbors, We were under a HEAT warning, with a 103 index. So I had NO idea how HOT it was in the attic.