If it did come ashore where it was first predicted we would of probably been wiped out or close to it. Because it took the hook, we were on the clean side of the storm and the storm lost it's power before it went ashore.
Due to my "real" job I spent the night in Downtown Houston and listened and watch as the eye of the storm passed over me. It was a rough night but I made it through. The rest of my family "hunkered down" at Campguy with the grandparents at their house. It was safer because it is a single story and there is more wind breaks then at our house.
We survived with minimal damage done. This was a close call that could have been a lot worse. We know that the "big" storm can hit at any time but you have to live somewhere and no where is completely safe. So on this one year anniversary of Hurricane Ike, we give thanks that it could have been a lot worse. God bless our neighbors who wasn't as fortunate as us and God Bless TEXAS!
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