Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Grandpa's Bird House

When We were painting houses last week James asked if he could paint one for himself. He wanted an "apartment" one. He then went and picked out plates for it. He painted it completely inside and out. He said he did not want the birds to get splinters from the wood and that this house was "special" so it had "upgrades" that isn't included in regular houses.
He completed the house and installed the plates himself. He did have some help from mom when it came to installing the chain.
He was very proud of this house and he said it was to honor his grand fathers. He has both an US ARMY plate and an US NAVY plate for the sides and a DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS plate for the roof. The house came out really nice and he is trying to decide where he is going to hang it up at.
I just might have to promote him from "Helper".

1 comment:

Christy said...

Great birdhouse, James!! I think his title should be upgraded from helper to PARTNER! So, that birdhouse is not for sale? He could auction it off between his grandpa's and make a nice little profit! 8o) Well, where did he decide to hang it? Can't wait to see it in person. Hope to see you guys soon!