This is the first year that CAMPGUY has not hit the road. The decision was hard to make because going to the local fairs and markets was really enjoyable. We really enjoyed the interaction with our customers and other vendors.
There will be some venues that this year will mark the first time in about 10 that we will not be showing. There is no one reason why this is so. The big reason is economics. The investment in the time and energy is not worth the return in profit. Going to a show is a gamble, between the booth fee, gas, food and misc. expenses it was a roll of the dice if we would break even, let alone make a little profit. This year I have seen an increase in the expenses prior to even pulling on the road.
It was a hard decision to make but we decided to stay at the shop. Everything we make and display on the web site is still available. The web site has been doing good with hits and orders from a cross the country. So for our faithful customers from across TEXAS, we are still here and we hope to come back and visit your town again. In the mean time browse our website at and as always we are TEXAS FRIENDLY, so if you don't see an item. just drop a note and we will see we can do to get it for you.